

Author: VENUS VULTURE (SEAN) Homepage

Download: Here ..


This is a short and very easy level. This walkthrough was just written with the sole purpose of having walkthroughs for every TR1 custom level there is out there.

Right at the beginning, pick up the
Shotgun (1) and some shotgun shells (2). Climb up and push the block twice, climb it up and jump to the small opening to the right, where you can see a witch. Approaching it will open a door. Go back to the beginning and kill an ape (1), then go through the yellowish path. Fall to a new room and kill the lion (2). Climb the movable block and jump to the ankh on the wall, picking up a large medipack (3) and stepping on another witch. Going through the door, step up the set of stairs and shimmy across the spiked pit. Stand up and kill the lion (3), then take the grey path, kill the ape (4) and pick up the Uzis (4) and some Uzi clips (5) just for the sake of picking them up. Now go to the last passage and fall down to the initial room, climb up the new passage until you reach the end.

End of Level.
Kills: 4
Pickups: 5
Secrets: none

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