

Author: Francesco Zecchinelli (FZ) 


Savegames(FullGame version):


This is a 2 minute custom TR2 level and shouldn't need a walkthrough. One has been supplied, though, with the sole purpose of having walkthroughs for all custom TR2 levels.

Just as the level loads, turn around and door behind you will open. Kill the rats and pick up some shotgun shells. Exit and follow to the building to the right, kill the baddies and enter through the fireplace. (
BUG WARNING: in the readme, the author says about a door being open before the switch is thrown. If you can't get past this bit, the switch is by the fireplace). Climb up some boxes, shimmy to the left and climb down the other side. Kill the dog and get out. There are some more shotgun shells on the pool and some final baddies. There's no finish trigger.

End of Level.
Secrets: none

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