

Author: SLASH Homepage



Jump to the right, then head to the other side of the floating islands. Keep jumping in the V shaped slopes as you go toward the flat tile on the opposite side. From there. jump over the differently textured slope into supposed 'nothingness'. There's a hidden area here. Push the black block until the end, then climb through the opening in the ceiling. Jump across the slopes to dodge the boulders and grab the edge in the last one to avoid falling into the lava pit. Climb up and shoot the walls to shatter them and find, eventually, a dark hole.

Fall down a long way until you hit the water. Pick up the flares and surface. There's a movable block puzzle here, this is the way I got through: (1) pull the block twice and then run around it to push it against the wall; you'll face three new blocks now, (2) push the middle one and run around it to (3) push the farther one into an alcove. (4) Pull the far right one twice, then run around it to pull it once more. Jump over the water and go to where this block was, to find another one. (5) Pull it twice and get in the new passage, (6) push the next one twice, go to the right and push the other one (7) once so it fits the alcove. Return and pull back n.6 once to the right so you can pick up
GOLDEN PLATE 1. Push this block back where it was and head all the way into the corridor. (8) Pull that block all the way behind and enter that area. There's one last block (9), just pull it three times to reveal an exit.

Drop down into the hole and slide. There's a deadly gap dividing the slope in two, when you jump over it, make sure you're sliding backwards as you'll need to grab the edge. Let go of it to slide down the lower slope, grab the edge again, then climb up and before you slide down, jump, flip in midair and grab the opposite edge. Shimmy to the left and climb up. Take a running jump to the far red slopes, grab the edge, shimmy all the way to the right, climb up, jump and flip to grab the edge. Shimmy to the left to climb up into the alcove, roll and run jump to the ladder, go up and right, back flip and jump across the slopes to reach the ladder. Climb it up and get outside into the islands again.

Work your way around again, but once you're done with the V shaped slopes, go to the other side instead: Hop over the gap, slide down and push the button. Return to the first little island you jumped to and use it as a boost to jump up to the roof of the temple. The Xian statues will come to life. Push the button between them to open the other door and collect the
GOLDEN PLATE 2. Hop back to the little island and back into the temple you just got out of.

Use the plates on the receptacles by the grates and grab the zip line handle. Let go quickly, after 1.5-2 seconds, though, to land safely. Head left, take the zip line again, and as you slide the second slope, perform a mid-air roll to slide backwards. You need to grab the edge in the end. Let go of it and grab the lower edge immediately. Shimmy to the right, back flip and grab the opposite ledge. Climb it up and go down the few steps to get a large medipack. Heal yourself. Light a flare to see what you have to do: hang on the edge, let go and grab the lower one. Then, let go again to reach the bottom safely.

Walk through the silver path to open the grates. Deal with the knife-throwers and push the six buttons in this room. Get up close with Bartoli's dead body and discover it isn't as dead as it seems...

End of level.
Secrets: none

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