The Lost City Of Delsaracary

Author: Weingartner Dávid (wdavid) Homepage

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It is 1997, one week after Lara acquired the Dagger of Xian. The ringing of the phone breaks the silence of Croft manor. Lara answers, the man at the other end of the line goes on at length about what he has to say. He spoke about a chest with mystic power of a lost civilization, which lies deep under a lost city somewhere in the mountains of Peru. (Not far from the City of Vilcabamba). Lara sets forward to find the chest. Lara approached the city by chopper, alas there is no entrance. She descends from above, through a crack.


Secret 1-2-3:

Savegames( Full Game version):

Once you've got control take a look arond. You can see a pool, and a lever on the other side. The hall goes two ways. There is a door at one end, another door and a keyhole at the other. Pull the lever, you can see the door opening. Flames turn on next to you.

Turn around and got to the right, down the stairs. Pick up the small medi in the corner next to the opened door. Go through the door and turn right, then go forward till the path turns. Turn your back to the abyss, and hop back to grab the edge. Climb down on the RIGHT side of the ladder, as at the bottom you can release it only there for not to be pierced by the spikes. Once safely down, look for the lever in the corner and pull it. The spikes won't hurt you if you WALK through them.

Go in the opened door to the next room. Upon coming out from the passage, two hungry cats attack from the left. Jump up the rock in the middle and shoot them from there. Once done, look around again. You can see a temple and an entrance. However you have nothing to open it with. Go to the pool. Jump in the water and find the face tile on the bottom. Swim through it, then the small cracks to get in a small room. When you step out from the passage two cats jump at you. Shoot them, and save your game. Go to the lever. There are the same figures next to it, as next to the temple door. When pulled, you have 28 seconds to reach the door and go in. So pull it, push away the camera by hitting LOOK, roll with END and jump from the top step of the stairs. Run in the right side of the passage, and turn for the crack. Swim through the cracks to the surface. Get out and run through the door. It's not hard, but if you waste time at the cracks it can cause some trouble.

Run down the stairs, you arrive to the heart of the temple, there is a high column in the middle. Ignore the door on the right for now. Go in the passage in front. Run to the stone block. Pull it once, then push it to the left, to the wall. Then push it into the small alcove. Climb up and pick up the key.

Climb down and use it on the lock next to the door. But it's not the door that opens, but the trapdoor behind the stone cube. Jump in the water and get the large medi, and look for the other key. (It's in a small cavity).

Surface and go to the cube. Pull it back three times, then once to the right. Get around and push it all the way to the wall. Climb up and use the key in the lock on the column to open the door. Go in there, climb the ladder and go forward. You arrive to a labyrinth. I don't write it in details because it's not difficult. Find the stone cube, there is a lever behind it, which opens the trapdoor. Go to it and climb down. Turn around and jump to the wall. Turn left. Stand with your back to the wall, and jump forward with grab. Grab the ledge and shimmy to the left. Pull up, and in the last moment jump. You land among spikes but you won't die. The other solution: Jump on the slope backwards, slide down and grab the edge, pull up and jump/roll to grab the ladder and climb up. Walk to the right and get up into the small opening.

Climb down to the next room, where you find four cubes. One on top of another, two next to each other. Pull the first to the left, then push it under the other two. Pull out the second one twice, then once to the right, and push it before the other. Climb up and push the upper one onto the middle one. Climb to the other side of it and push it on top of the third one. Don't climb higher up just yet, push the one you haven't moved yet. Pick up the Stone Dragon.

Now climb up and pull the lever. Through the opened door down there, you get back to the heart of the temple, which was rearranged by the lever you pulled earlier. Run the risen stairs and get the key.

Go back via the corridor you reached the temple. Because the key is no longer in its place, the door opened. Go back to the start of the level. Put the key to the yellow lock and step in. Get the ammunition from the cube on the left. Avoid the flying discs and slide into the water. You find a small medi in the small passage at the bottom. Surface and get out. You arrive to a hall with huge ledges. Save your game here!

When you pull the lever the door opens in the hall at the top of the tower, but only for 74 seconds. You've got this much time to get up there before the door closes. Well, lets get to it. Pull the lever and roll. Run or jump around the pool. Run up the stairs, then stop at side on the highest. Jump up to the second in a way that you land on the left side of the last one. Hop back to the wall and run/jump to the ledge. Turn right, hop back again for a run/jump to the top of the column. Walk back to the edge then run and jump to the left side of the ledge. Turn left, jump up, grab the edge, pull up. Roll and run/jump to the left side of the long ledge. Stand with your back to the wall and run/jump to the next ledge. Walk back for a run/jump, again to the left side. Stand with your back to th wall again, and jump to the other ledge. Walk back and jump to the bigger ledge, but don't stop, turn onto the platform. Jump to the ladder, climb up, backflip and another jump forward. Run through the door. Wasn't that hard was it?

There are moving blades here in ankle altitude. If you jump between them boulders come towards you from the side. Get through by jumps, then go forward. When stepping on the platform, the trapdoor opens behind the cube, so you can't push it there. So jump before the cube, then on the column. Jump in the rocky passage. Go forward and at the bottom of the temple take care of three cats. Get the first key you need to open the temple, from the rock on the right.

There are two small buildings on the sides of the temple. At first got to the right one. Pull out the cube and pull the lever behind it to put back the trapdoor next to the cube in place. Now go to the left building and dispose of the last cat. Pull out the block and get down the passage behind it. Run forward, through the collapsing tiles. Jump from the last one and grab. Up here is the other key.

Drop down, and pull the cube under the passage. Go back to the bottom of the temple. Pull out the cube and climb up, shoot two birds. There is a small hole on the roof, where you find the Golden Dragon.

Use both keys on the locks next to the door. Inside pick up the golden key.

Go back to the main hall and jump to the trapdoor. Push the stone onto the switch to open the room of the other key. Get there and go in. Then you fall down and can't go back. Never mind that now... let's do things in order. Behind the corner a stone boulder comes down to you. There is an opening in the wall on the right. Jump up there to avoid it. Or you can run back beyond the corner. Get inside and push the cube under the other, then push it out. Now you have a way out. Now push the lower cube under the hole, and go out. Turn right, jump up and go forward. In the small shrine two hungry beasts will attack you, get rid of them and pick up the second golden key.

Don't go back yet, jump into the water first, and pick up the Jade Dragon in the small passage under the bridge.

Go back to the main hall and use your keys next to the door. Inside you find the golden chest, which the guy was talking about. Step closer, and this is THE END.
