
TR2 Test Level: Sakul's TR2 Testlevel

Author: Lukas Liban (Sakul) Homepage

Download:Here................ Full Game

Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

Walkthrough for Lara's Home and its subsidiary sites.

(Unauthorized) Walkthrough

Don't worry about the leopard statue right in front of you and pick up the shotgun shells behind it. Climb up the rocks to get the Uzis and more shotgun shells. Climb down to the ground and head through the passage to the left (there's a large medipack behind the van, should you need it). As you go through the passage, a thug with a bat and two masked gunmen will appear. After dealing with them, push the cage to reveal some automatic pistol clips; you can get the automatic pistols on top of the pillar surrounded by shattered glass. Take a sit back and watch TV in this rather strange bedroom (there is no finish trigger).

End of Level.
Secrets: none


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