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Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Lara starts in a sandy area with a large building on the left and some low blocks. To the near right is a column and beyond that a hole in the sandy area. There is another column in the far right corner. The near right column is climbable but there is nothing there. Climbing the low blocks on the left opens a trap door to get a large Medi pack (1) and attracts a dog (1) and a guard (2). The door you see in the far left corner requires a yellow key that you don't have yet. Go to the far right column and climb it to get Uzi's (2) and ammo (3). Another guard (3) is there when you get down. Behind the column is a hole. Climb into the hole.

Follow the tunnel until there is a junction on the right. To the left is a crawlspace. Crawl in to get flares (4), Uzi ammo (5) and Desert Eagle ammo (6). Go back to the junction. To the left junction there are two pillars, two ledges, and a closed trapdoor. Exit the area and go the first hole in the sandy area by the column. Drop down safely and follow the corridors and pick up a small Medi pack (7). Continue down the corridor to a glass floor over a hanger bay. Continue to go down a ramp and at the end you find the P4 yellow key (8) hidden in a crawlspace on the right. Go back to the right of the ramp and at the end go left into a room with boxes. Go to the right corner box and pull and kill a guard (4). Follow the corridor and pick up the Desert Eagle (9). Go back to the dead guard and climb the blocks at the left. Pull up into a sandy cavern and notice the climbing wall at the end. Just before this wall is an alcove on the right where you find a small Medi pack (10). Climb the wall on the left side and at the top backflip to a level area and hear a trapdoor drop. Climb up the trapdoor to the area you were before. You may find another guard (5) outside if he did not appear before.

Go to the door and use the P4 yellow key. Go in to the left and left again to kill a guard (6). It is a large nearly empty room. There is trapdoor that opens when you approach it. To the left is a dead-end corridor that contains a small Medi pack (11). Go back to the trapdoor and drop in. Follow the corridor and jump the deadly trapdoor that opens before you. In the area ahead you find a guard (7) to kill and some Desert Eagle clips (12). Just before the large down ramp save the game. The idea is to slide down and jump the first gap. Them jump up to grab a monkey swing without hitting the wall in front. If you miss, you slide to your death. Get the monkey swing and go across to the other side and drop. Jump the first ramp and go left to jump another ramp. Go into a hole to find Uzi ammo (13). Back out and left again. At the T-junction, go right to kill a guard (8). Back to jump the left ramp and then slide down into a room of boxes. This is a maze of boxes. Ahead is a dead end. To the right are two guards (9,10) and a dead end. To the left are two guards (11,12) and eventually pick up a large Medi pack (14) before a hole to drop into.

In the water you find the P2 disk (15). In one corner is a hole to pull up into a corridor. At the end, pull up to a ledge overlooking some water and many columns. Behind the columns in the left corner is a blue key receptacle. Run/jump but do not grab forward to the short pillar. Then run/jump to the pillars in the far right corner. From here jump to a crack and shimmy to the right to a pull up area. From the short pillar you can grab the crack but not shimmy. Turn around and notice a closed door above you on the left. Jump forward and then left to get some Uzi clips (16). Jump and swim back to the entrance ledge. In the left corner is a crawl space to swim into and down to get the blue key (17) (called serpent stone). Back and swim to the right to climb back up. Run/jump to the left corner columns to use the key and the door opens. Jump the columns again and get into the door and up the ramp. At the top turn left to pull up. Do a series of pulls ups and jump to get a small Medi pack (18). Turn around and jump/grab a higher ledge. Go forward to get into a crawlspace and drop down the other side. Kill the guard (13) and use the disk in the device around the left corner to open the door. Follow the ramp up to a closed trapdoor. In the purple floor room beside it there is a pushbutton on the far wall to open the trapdoor. Climb up the trap door to see many floating aliens. As Lara gets to the top of the ramp, the level ends.

Did not find any secrets but the statistics stated there were six of them probably for the original shore.tr2 file.

End of the level.
Pickups: 18
Kills: 13
Secrets: none



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