

Author: Raider Croft Website


Secret 1-2-3-4-5-6:

Savegames(FullGame version):


Kill all the animals. Jump the river and go towards the stones. There will be a “Green” wall. One piece of the wall is different and you will be able to pass through it. When you pass through it you will be in a dark passage. In this passage is a key. When you pick up the key a tiger will appear which you must kill. Now you can enter the dark labyrinth. In the labyrinth you will find a lock. Use the key you just found and a door will open. Find the door and go through it. Lara is now in the jungle again. Be careful because part of the hill is a slide. There is a tall rock in front of you; on top of it is secret #1. To reach it climb the side of the wall facing you. Now drop back down and slide to the bottom of the hill. The next part of the jungle has 3 doors and a bunch of rocks clustered in the centre. You must run/walk around the rocks to find 3 hidden water rooms in the mud. In these rooms you will find levers. Pull the lever and open the doors. You must open each door before you continue. First go to the left door. This room has spike so walk carefully. First of all go to the end of the room, because there is a medipack, which is Secret #2, now go back to the entrance of the room. In the room are some blocks; you need to jump at the right time from each block to reach the next block and eventually the final block on the other side of the room. When you reach the final block, drop down into the next room. Be careful, this room has rolling balls. Activate them one at a time so as to keep out of the way. When they have finished rolling, pick up the key and climb back up onto the ledge. To get down without killing Lara you must jump to the square with no spikes. When you have done this walk out of the room. You are now back in the “mud room” go to the front door and jump over most of the quicksand. Climb out at the end and then climb the ladder. When you reach the top kill the tigers. Now find the lock. Use the key and open the door, kill the tiger inside. Now drop into the water, pick up the flares (Secret #3). Pull the lever and go back to the mudroom. Go into the door you have not entered yet and pull the switch. Run back to the water room and swim through the tunnel. Climb out and Pull the switch. I couldn’t translate the next part, but when the Labyrinth door is open you can find secrets #4 and #5. The exit to the Labyrinth is easy to find. Tigers will appear in the labyrinth and some rooms will make Lara slide to her death, so be watchful. In one room there is a switch pull it and a door will open. Inside there is a lock, but you have no key. Exit the labyrinth. The exit is a climbable wall. When you climb it you will end up in a room of spikes. In this room are secret 6 and the key. Pick up the key and go back to the lock in the labyrinth. The door of the last room will open, go through it. Keep running and Lara will slide down and the level will finish.

Secrets #6


The level starts in a small area in a jungle, with a little lake and a few monkeys. Jump across the lake and walk through the foliage behind some rocks to collect the first INDRA KEY. Return, dispatch the tiger and jump into the dark passage in one end of the lake. In this pseudo maze, always head left to find the keyhole: use your key and crawl through the space nearby to reach the door. After the first slide, climb up the brown column (unmarked climbable surface) to conquer the SECRET #1 (the UZIs). Drop down and slide all the way down. In this it, there are three hidden muddy areas you can fall through. (1) Nearby the cliff, between two brown tiles; (2) right by the gate on the left side and (3) by the gate on the wall opposite the cliff. In these three bits, you will find underwater levers to open the three gates in the surface. Once all three of them are open, enter the one to the left. Walk through the spikes until the far right corner to collect the SECRET #2 (a small medipack). Return to the entrance and use the slides to boost onto the higher ledge. Drop into a boulder slide and disarm the one by the INDRA KEY, then pick it up. The light brown wall can be climbed - return to the cliff area. Enter the gate opposite the cliff, take a running jump into the mud and wade across until the end. Climb up the wall ladder and use the key in a corner. Walk out to the next area and dive into the waterfall bottom to find the SECRET #3 (flares) and an underwater lever. Throw it and climb the ladder back to the cliff, enter the last gate and throw the lever to the right. Return once again to the waterfall, swim through the underwater passage and throw the lever by the gate, this will open the other gate in that last room by the cliff you entered, work your way back there to collect a INDRA KEY, then return to the waterfall, swim through the underwater tunnel and use the key to enter a maze. Use the attached map to guide yourself past the maze and to collect SECRET #4 (a small medipack) which might have been stolen by a monkey, and SECRET #5 (UZI clips). Squeeze past the crawlspace and climb up the wall in the end (unmarked climbable wall). Walk through the spikes (Note: supposedly SECRET #6 is the small medipack in the middle of them, but everytime I got close to it my game crashed.) and climb up the rocks by the gate to pick up the last INDRA KEY of this level. Return and use it inside the open door in the maze. This will open the gate up there, climb back up and cross it to reach the end.

End of Level.
Secrets: 5 of 6

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