

Author: Raider Croft Website


Secret 1-2:

Savegames(FullGame version):


Note: depending on the way you're playing Lara Croft Regresa, you might find that when you start this level all your ammunition and additional pickups will be gone. This is due to the script file used with the game, it probably assumes this level is "High Security Compound", the original TR3 level where you were unarmed in prison.

Slide down and crawl through the tiny space to collect a CD in the water. Crawl back and drop into the "lava" without fear: pick up
SECRET #1 and climb out. Jump over it to the opening. Pull the block in front of the switch once, push the button and quickly climb up to the upper area, crossing the door before it closes. Run up the ramp fulfilled with baddies and drop into the water.

Climb out in the other air pocked and kill the soldier to pick up his KEYCARD. Use it and slide down, jumping over the deadly gap. Crawl to the right, past the office and follow the corridor to reach a pseudo maze. Use the map to guide yourself. You have to pick up the KEYCARD and the BLUE PASS and use the first to open the exit door.

Crawl out of the maze and push the button to open a trapdoor in that baddies' ramp. Exit this area via the crawlspace in the corner, climb up the ladder and slide back to the beginning. Jump over the lava again and cross the timed door to reach the ramp with the open trapdoor. Climb up to it and collect
SECRET #2 (UZI clips). Work your way back to the beginning.

Once back to the start, crawl through the opening in the wall and use the pass on the wall. Enter the door that will open opposite to the receptacle and use the CD on the computer to open the exit door.

End of Level.
Secrets: 2 of 2


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