

Author: Vinci


Savegames(FullGame version):

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

You slide down an incline. To the right are flares (1) and a hidden hole into the ground. Go to the opposite corner into a hole for shotgun shells (2). Return to the middle for a small Medi pack (3). There are two separate ways down into the caves. Way 2 gives you a secret.

Way 1: Go the hole near where you found the flares. Go down and follow crawlspaces and drops to an area overlooking a lava pit. Run/jump but no grab to a pillar in the lava. Turn right and run/jump with a right curve onto a slope in an alcove. Jump, back flip and grab a pillar and pull up. Turn left and jump, slide and grab another ledge. Go through a hole and slide down an incline with a ball following you. When you cannot see Lara for the ball, jump up and grab a ledge. Pull up and pick up a shotgun (4). Drop back and you fall into some water. Swim through a tunnel and surface to pull up on a ledge facing a lava pit and some flares (5) on a safe ledge.

Way 2: Look into the central pit and see an alcove in one wall below the edge. From the opposite edge and jump and you should fall into it. Turn right and jump with grab at the wall. With luck, you land into another alcove. Turn around to jump the pit and grab a crawlspace. Crawl in and follow the space to the other side. Drop down into a hole, not the lava pit. Follow the path to an alcove overlooking the lava pit. Run off the edge to grab a ledge and shimmy right. Pull up into a crawlspace and follow it to an alcove. Stand up, turn around, drop and grab. After a few tries, you will land in the alcove below. Turn around, jump to a ledge and shimmy right. Pull up, turn around and drop down. Follow the crawlspace to the end and stand up. Jump over the pit to get a small Medi pack (6). Jump back and go to the end. Run off the edge and jump and grab a ledge over the lava pit. Turn right and climb up blocks until you reach a crawlspace. On the other side of the crawlspace, turn right and look up. Pull up into a crawlspace, go to the end and get the shotgun (7) and secret #1. Get back up and follow some inclines up to a slide over a lava pit. Slide down and jump to the right. With luck, you land on a pillar and get shotgun shells (8). Look to the left and jump onto a slope, jump and land on a safe corner to pick up flares (9). Climb the ledge behind and this is where the two ways meet.

From the right side of the ledge, run/jump over the lava to an incline. Slide, jump, and grab the opposite ledge. Pull up and look below you to the left. Jump into the alcove to get a small Medi pack (10). To get out, jump to the incline to the right. Grab and shimmy left. Pull up, roll and grab the ledge to pull up again. Follow the crawl space in front and eventually get to an area over a lava pit. Look down to see a slope. Jump and slide backwards. At the end, grab, pull up, back flip and grab again to pull up on a ledge.

See the slope to your left. Slide flip to it, slide, grab and shimmy to the far right. Now pull up. Back flip and roll with a left curve to land on the slope behind you. Keep jumping and going left until you can slide and grab that opposite slope. Shimmy left to the end and you see an alcove beneath you. Pull up and just drop back and you should land in that alcove. Pick up shotgun shells (11) and secret #2. Continue down the path and slide into an area with boxes. Pass a door needing a yellow key which I never found. Continue to a switch. Pull it to get a cut scene of a door opening near the top of a large room. Go back towards the yellow door and turn right into an alcove. Start climbing up to an opening. Jump to the slope on the left, slide and grab. Pull up and back flip to the pillar and pick up shotgun shells (12). Look down towards the closed door. Run jump into an alcove to the left of it. Keep climbing blocks and at the end pick up MP5 clips (13). Slide down to the left to the area before the secret detour.

Turn right and pull up into a crawlspace. Follow this path and eventually come to an area with crates. Kill a dog (1) and a guard (2) who drops a Key Card A (14). Search around for a large Medi pack (15) on some boxes, a small Medi pack (16) on the floor and Desert Eagle clips (17) behind some boxes. From where you got the large Medi pack (18), look back towards the left back wall. See that flat area in the back left corner. Go there and drop into a hole to get the Blue Key (19). Open the door with the key card and go inside. Climb up and go left for now. You can go to the right later. Notice the grate in the wall in the left alcove. Continue to the end. Climb a ladder and some stairs and use the blue key. Go inside to Bay D and kill two guards (3,4). One guard drops Desert Eagle clips (20). Go around the hall and hill a guard (5) next to a doorway. Inside is a door needing a yellow key, and two ramps. Go up the ramp to Bay C and kill a guard (6) who drops shotgun shells (21). You see an enclosed pushbutton to the left and a closed door to the right. Continue and see a closed grate hiding a blue key and another closed grate hiding Uzi's. Return and use the down ramp to Bay E. Turn left and go down a ladder. One side is a closed door and the other side has a ladder. Go down and be careful as the floor drops in front of you. Jump over the hole and kill a guard (7) who drops a Key Card A (22). If you continue there is a closed door. Go back and jump into the doorway near the trap door. Pick up Desert Eagle clips (23) and a small Medi pack (24). Continue to see a dead end water pit.

Return to the door where you entered the building. Now go to the right, down a ladder, and finally drop into a tunnel. Follow to a deadly track area. Run jump over the first deadly track. Then stand jump over the second track. There is a closed door on the right so go left. Get into a crawlspace, get shotgun shells (25) and press a pushbutton at the end. You get a cut scene of the grate by the Uzi's opening. Go left into another crawlspace. At the end jump over two lasers and crawl quickly into another crawlspace. On the other side, climb up a ladder. There is an alcove on the left wall. You need that later. Go down another ladder to get into Bay X. Kill a guard (8) and use the Key Card A on the keypad beside him. The door opens so go in to get a health crystal if needed. Press the pushbutton on the wall and hear a door open. Go out and kill a guard (9). Go left to the end for Uzi clips (26) and then up a ladder in an alcove. At the top kill a guard (10) and pick up the Blue Disk (27) he drops. Remember this place as you return here after the rocket launches. On the way back down notice another keypad on the wall. Go to the first ladder and climb and get into the alcove in the wall. Look out and right to jump and grab a ledge. Slide down the other side to get back to the main area.

Return to Bay D and notice hat the grate beside the entrance is open. Crawl in and pull a switch to get a cut scene of the big doors in Bay D opening. Kill two guards (11,12), one of which drops the Green Disk (28). Go up the ramp to the left to use the Blue Disk and get a cut scene of the enclosed pushbutton cover opening. On the other side use the Green Disk and get a cut scene of the grate with the Blue Key opening. Go towards the windows on the right side for MP5 clips (29). Admire the rocket through the window and pull the switch on the left wall. Enter Bay C to get the Uzi's (30) and the Blue Key (31). Now go press the pushbutton and the door opens. Use the Blue Key and get a cut scene of the rocket launching. Go back to where you got the Blue Disk. Some doors are open so the trip there is easier (no tracks nor lasers this time).

Go through the door and jump and grab the platforms. Jump platforms to get to the far wall to pull a switch on the wall and hear a door opening somewhere. Get back and jump to the climbable left black protrusion on the left wall. At the top back flip and pick up MP5 clips (32). Press the pushbutton on the far wall and get a cut scene of a trapdoor opening into a large room. Go back to the climbable black thing. Look up to the left and you see the door you open at secret #1. Go to the wall, jump up and grab an invisible crevice. Shimmy left and pull up into the door. Pick up the MP5 (33) for secret #3. Turn right to pick up Uzi clips (34). Go left and drop into the water and work your way back to where the Blue Key was obtained. Now another door is open so enter and go up some stairs and face five switches on the wall. You may want to go into the pit and pick up Uzi clips (35) before going into the switch room.

If you look above the five switches there is a yellow key in the clear ceiling area. I never determined how to get it. The floor is deadly without the proper switch settings. My thanks to the reviewer Torry who noted that there is a switch combination required. Notice that after you move the switches, you can go look through the back windows at the steamy floor. The floor duplicates the floor you have to crawl across. The safe path is clearly visible through the steam. Or you follow the sketches below.

First you have to get the Blue Key. Set the switches left-to-right as [Up Up Down Down Up]. The floor pattern is set up as follows where S is SAFE and X is DEADLY.


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Pick up the Blue Key (36) and go back to the switches. Set the switches left-to-right as [Down Down Up Up Down]. The floor pattern is set up as follows where S is SAFE and X is DEADLY.


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Get to the other side and use the Blue Key in the key lock and hear a grate opening above you. Climb the yellow box at the end and turn left. Jump up to grab a crevice and shimmy left. Climb into a crawlspace and down the other side into a room with boxes. There is a switch and a closed gate to the right. Drop into a hole behind the boxes and pick up Key Card B (37). Also on a box there are shotgun shells (38). Pull the switch to open the door. This is the area near the trap door in the floor in Bay E. Go back to the five switches area in Bay X. Just before the door turn right to find the key card holder. Use Key Card B and the door opens. Press the pushbutton at the end of the corridor and get a cut scene of a door opening in a corridor in Bay E. Return to the other side, through Bay D and back the down ramp to Bay E.

At the first ladder, go through the now open door and the trapdoor that was opened. From the door, looking over the pool, there is a hole in the wall in the middle of the left side. The opening is hard to notice, as everything is the same colour. Swim in and follow a tunnel to pick up a Yellow Key (39). Swim back and get out. Go back up the ladder and the ramp to the wooden door. Use the Yellow Key and the door opens. Go in to enter a library. Find the obvious funny texture movable block and pull it out. Use it to jump to the top of the bookshelves and follow them to jump a gap to a crawlspace. Pick up the Saturnian's Key (40) and hear the grate on the floor opening. Get down and push the movable block back to its place. Thanks to reviewers Torry and Avmaster for pointing this out. Go into the open grate crawlspace. At the end pull a switch and get a cut scene of a trapdoor opening. It overlooks the open grate where you got the Uzi's. This was in Bay C at the end of the up ramp.

Go there and pull up into a corridor. Run down to the right and up some stairs and climb a ladder down into a control room. Out the window is a large area with two aircraft. Go behind the ladder to kill a guard (13) who drops MP5 clips (41). Press the pushbutton on the wall and hear something opening. Go back and down the ramp and turn left into Bay D. Turn right and now there are open doors on the wall. Go in, down a ramp and follow the corridor to a ladder. Climb the ladder noting why the block needed to be pushed back in. If you did not push the block back, you can pick up shotgun shells (42) and then go back to push the block back. At the top follow the corridor to a switch. Pull the switch to open the door beside you. Go in and jump over the deadly tracks to the near left corner. Kill the dog (14) and the two guards (15,16) who attack. Climb the climbable wall in the corner to an alcove. Drop and shimmy left to another alcove and pick up Key Card B (43). Go the key holder on the wall and use it.

Carefully drop into the room and pick up a large Medi pack (44) and go to the switch on the wall. Pull the switch, roll, jump, jump, jump, turn left, jump, turn left, jump and then run/jump into the timed open door before it closes. Follow up some stairs and at the end slide down an incline to a waiting helicopter as the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 44
Kills: 16
Secrets: 3 out of 6

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