

Author: Raider Croft Website


Secret 1-2:

Savegames(FullGame version):


Note: depending on the way you're playing Lara Croft Regresa, you might find that when you start this level all your ammunition and additional pickups will be gone. This is pretty much intentional.

Quickly rush into the mansion, head right and pick up the Revolver. Up on the second floor, get down to SEMIC offices, push the button in the end to open the hedgy maze (this time around, the entrance is by the kitchen). Once inside, you're goal is to push three buttons to open the treasure chamber beneath the stairs. See attached map. Climb down the ladder in the treasure room and pull the book in the shelves near the globe. Work your way to the second floor and jump inside the bedrooms. Pick up the MAINTENANCE KEYS in the bathtub and get back down to the room with the globe. Use the key behind it to open a trapdoor in the bathroom, work your way back up there... Jump over the crates and, in the end, push the button to open a door back in the room with the globe. That's where you have to go to now. Swim past the door and push the button within the alcove in the end. Get outside and head to the church in the yard. Pick up the KEY on the ground and, before going out, head to the far right corner and drop through the hole to find SECRET #1 (flares). Outside, keep going to the right until you find a van and a ramp: walk up to the opening at the top. Monkey swing over the spikes and carefully drop to the lower red column, where you'll collect SECRET #2 (ammo). Work your way back into the mansion. Drop through the broken ground in the dining room (well, it was one, once) and run to the helicopter. Our short trip to the USA is over. Time to fly over the pond again. Next target: Portugal.

End of Level.
Secrets: 2 of 2

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