




Note: this level could be considered a jumping skill practice. There's nothing overly taxing on this level except for a few fake spots. I've drawn a map anyway and attached it below. Your objective is to reach the water pit, which lies in the other end of the level. There are three blue dots along the way, which are explained below.

First blue dot: perform a running jump over the slope to slide on the further one and continue the jumping sequence.

Second blue dot: you have to make all the way into the slopes to climb up to this taller pillar, in the last slide, make sure you hold down action. It's an unmarked climbable surface.

Third blue dot: dive into the water pit. Climb out of the water and ignore the three 'golden' exits, but take notice of another one high in the wall. From the border of by the water, grab the invisible crack and shimmy all the way right into the opening.

End of Level.
Secrets: none


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