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Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Start in an empty room near a closed grate. Follow the tunnel through another two empty rooms. In the corner of the last room is a hole. Safety drop to the bottom onto a ledge but lose about 90% health doing it. Go to the left side and press a pushbutton and hear a door opening. Go to the other end of the ledge and slide to the tracks. Turn right and go through the open door, that looked like an inverted bookcase. The train is deadly but save the game and run into the train to see the really strange thing that happens to Lara. Reload and run down the tunnel. At the end turn right and go up a ramp. Below you is a golden dragon (1) walking around. Watch as it falls into some deadly water and dies. In the right corner is a hole to go down there but you can get back up so forget it. Go left and watch the dead body on the ledge move before you touch it. Get on the ledge and safety drop down the other side. You fall through the floor into a purple mist. Go to the open door at the end.

You overlook a structure surrounded by a fence. On top are columns and coffins. Get down and a white skater (2) figure appears. It doesn't harm Lara and is more of a nuisance so I left it. Run around the structure until a guard appears. Kill the guard (3) and go to the corner and climb a green block. Run and jump over the fence and press a pushbutton on the wall. You hear a door opening above you. Climb near the coffins and jump back over the fence. Climb the green block and then climb to beside the spikes. You seem to be in the middle of a block. You can use a crevice and shimmy to the far left into a hole that ends in a gate that I could not open. To the left is a non-obvious climbable wall. Choice #1 is to climb the wall and where it meets a ledge release and shimmy right. You cannot go too far but when you pull up you are on the ledge. To the end and jump to the right ledge and into the open door. Choice # 2 is to climb the wall and at the top back flip to a ledge. Make you way over to the zip-line and use it to enter the open door. In mid-air is a pushbutton but nothing happen when I pushed it. Go between the candles and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 0
Kills: 3
Secrets: 0

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