

Author: SLASH Homepage



At the very moment the level begins, a Shivae Statue comes alive and comes to grab you with his six razor-sharp swords. Jump on the block and start firing at him. When he crosses his swords he can't be hit so easily. But continue firing at him. Shoot the the Shivae statue (1). After some 190 bullets he will die. Jump of the block and pickup the shotgun (1) and the sword (2). Now run to the block on the left corner and jump on. Pickup the shotgun shells. (2). On the other side you can pickup a large Medi Pack (3) and shotgun shells (4). At the far left corner climb on the block and pickup some shotgun shells (5). Now climb the ladder. At one moment Lara can't get any higher. Let Lara hang and then continue climbing up. Pull up and turn around. There is a cobra lying in front of you. But how do you wake him? Well drop down at the same ladder and you will wake him up. Pull up again and shoot the damn cobra (2). Jump to the other side and begin climbing ....climbing and climbing. At the end pull up and jump over the blade and over the two fires. Go left and climb the transparent block. Grab the ceiling and shimmy forwards. Then when you have reached the other block, let go. Jump for the block. Lara will fall a 'few' meters and land in a water pool. Climb out and pickup the (P2) sword (6). Insert the Serpent stone sword into the key lock to your left of the door. The door will open. Now you are back into the room where you have killed the Shivae statue. Insert the P2 sword into the key lock which lead to another room. There this test level will end.

End of the test level.
Pickups: 6
kills: 2
secrets: none

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