



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Go into the two crawl spaces in the wall. In the right space is a large medipack (1). In the left space is a Cabinet Key (2). Turn around and go to the pushbutton on the red RX TECH wall. Press it and the door opens. Go in and kill two crocodiles (1,2). Dive in and swim to a corner for secret #1 and a Desert Eagle (3). Near the opposite corner is an underwater switch. Pull it and get out of the water and exit the room. The black gate ahead of you is open. Kill three guards (3,4,5) and two dogs (6,7). One guard will drop a small medipack (4). As you enter the area, go to the middle of the left wall. Pull the switch and sprint to the timed door that opens in the other wall to your right.

Inside the room, use the Cabinet Key and a gate rises. Crawl inside for the Access Key (5). Take the health crystal if you need it. Approach the other door and it opens. Go outside and kill two crocodiles (8,9). They seem to be swimming in the air and when they die, they float up into the sky. Go back to the starting room and go the panel on the right wall. Use the Access Key and the door opens. Go to the center of the room for Desert Eagle ammo (6). Go to a corner and pick up the crowbar (7). Kill the two guards (10,11) and pick up a small medipack (8) from a dead body.

Exit and go to the opposite door. Use the crowbar to open the door and enter. Pick up the pink crystal (9) from the center and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 9
Kills: 11
Secrets: 1

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