




You are standing on a edge and you can watch a monkey walking around on the top on the walls. Beneath you there is water and behind you is a opening with a closed door. Walk down towards the water. On the last edge you can pickup some shotgun shells (1). Now jump into the water. When diving down notice a small medipack (2) on a pillar. Pick it up. Explore the bottom and pickup another pack with shotgun shells (3). And pull the lever when you are done exploring. Surface and swim towards the ledge when you can pull up. Walk towards the highest position and notice a tiger walking around on a edge across the water. Shoot the tiger (1). Now do a running jump to get across the water. Now go into the opening. Look around and notice another a the bottom of this room. Shoot the tiger (2). Look for a lower pillar straight ahead. Make a running jump towards it. Walk up the blocks and find some shotgun shells (4). At this point there is no need to climb up the stairs. So go down to the bottom of this room. Examine the ground carefully and find a switch on a side of a pillar. Flip the switch. Now make you way towards the gate. It is still closed. Turn around walk towards the 'stairs'. Near the stairs you can pickup a small Medi Pack (5). Now climb the stairs. A one point you can see some shotgun shells (6) lying on your left side. Pick them up. Continue until you can't get any further. Do a running jump towards the blocks against the wall. At the end of the stairs there will be a series of jumps to perform. Stand on the edge and do a jump towards the pillar. Pull up and you will slide of the slope. At the end hit the action button. Jump towards the next slope. Jump again to the slope and then grab the ledge and pull up. Then jump again towards the pillar and grab at the last moment the edge. Pull up. Phew. Do a running jump to the next pillar. Go outside again. We need to find that key. And I know where it is. Go down and shoot the monkey (3). Jump into the water. Surface and find the spot where you can climb out of the water. Turn around (let Lara facing the open gate on top) dive and swim straight down. Then you will notice that you can go into a small passage. Follow it until you find a key (7). Pick it up. This was the gate you opened with the switch in the great room. Now head back. But don go far. As you turn around to go back you will see a opening into the ceiling. Go in and surface. Pickup the shotgun (8). Now swim all the way back and get out of the water. Draw your weapons and shoot a tiger (4). Jump over the water pool and go back to the other room. In that room there is another tiger (5) running lose. Try to shoot it before you go down to the bottom of the room. Insert the key into the key lock and the door will open. Go into the new room and on the floor there are some goodies you aren't be able to pickup...because just before you are there this test level ends.....

End of the test level.
Pickups: 8
kills: 5
secrets: none

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