
TR3 Test Level: Portal Tricks and Shallow Jumps



Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble) (Oct-17/06)

The level starts in a lake area with two vultures, a medipack in the water, and a really tight timed run (can't be stressed enough!). See the attached screenshot for reference but keep in mind you can't afford to lose any second. The moral here is to use the 'shallow jumps' - ie when Lara has water only up to her boots she can run, otherwise she'd have to wade across. Always keep the forward key pressed so Lara won't ever stop after the jumps and will keep running. Once you reach the stone platform, sprint to the door and you'll just squeeze through.

Note there might be alternative ways to get through this door, this is the way I did it. In case you are having trouble there, check the help topic <http://www.larashome.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11089> for this level where you can obtain a savegame.

Once inside, crawl to the next area and kill the guys - one of them will drop you a KEYCARD that you'll be using in the initial lake area, but first we'll have to make our way there. There are three cat tiles on this room, one in the bigger area and two in the narrow corridor. In the bigger area, close to the cat tile, there's a movable block. Pull it back to reveal a new area. Drop through the skull texture and kill the other baddies to get used to the area. Following the corridor to the right, you'll find a locked door - the exit - and the corridor to the left you'll find a skull texture that'll take you back to the area above. Get back up there.

Now quickly, step on the three cat tiles (I suggest starting with the fartherst and working your way stepping on the ones closer to the skull), then drop and follow the right corridor. You should reach the door before it closes (this one is nowhere as tight as the one above, so if you managed to get in here you won't have problems getting out!). Slide all the way down and when you reach the skull texture, jump. You'll find yourself in the lake. Get out of the water, approach the keylock and use the card to open the exit of this short, stressful and fun - to some extent - test-level!

End of testlevel.

Secrets: none

Note by avmaster to TR3 Test Level: Portal Tricks and Shallow Jumps

There is a Desert Eagle in the water.

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