



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] I used the Tomb Raider 3 South Pacific Demo for this level. [End note]

Run forward and face a large pool of water. Save the game. Dive into the water and you are sucked down the hole in the pool. The water current carries you to a fan and you die. Reload the game. Push a moveable block under a switch on the corner wall. Jump onto the block and pull down the switch. Now dive into the pool. You are sucked down the hole in the pool. But his time you can swim. Follow the underwater tunnel and swim into a side tunnel in front of a fan. The water current carries you over a waterfall and into a pool of water. Pull up on either side. Run around the ledge and stand jump into an opening. You enter a room with a hole in the middle of the floor.

Save the game. Jump into the hole and water currents carry you to a fan and you die. Reload the game. Walk into the hole and swim to the right and stay near the wall. Pull down the underwater level on the wall. The fans have stopped. Swim back for air. Dive into the hole and swim to the left wall. Pull down the underwater lever and get a cut scene of a door opening above the stopped middle fan. Swim into the open door. Swim down a vertical shaft. Follow the tunnel and water current carries you up a vertical shaft to the surface. Pull up into room.

Go to the platform in the middle of the room. Climb onto the central block. Pick up the item and the level ends.


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