



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Enter a room to see a pool with a hole in the bottom. If you dive into the water now, you are sucked into a propeller blade and you die. First, turn to the right and push the block under the switch on the wall. Hop up to the block and use the switch. Now dive into the water and the current is slower. Just before the propeller, go into the right side tunnel. Swim and eventually be carried through a crawl space and over a waterfall. Pull up and go to a side ledge and jump into the opening at the back wall. There is a hole in the floor filled with water. Jump into the water and swim to the right sidewall. Pull the underwater lever and the propellers stop. Then go to the left sidewall. Pull the underwater lever and get a cut scene of the underwater door open above the middle propeller. Swim into the door and then down to the bottom. Follow the underwater tunnel and at the end, a fast current carries you to the top of the water column. Pull up and run to the block in the middle of the room. Hop onto the block and attempt to pick up the artifact (1) as the level ends.

End of the level

Pickups: 1

Kills: 0

Secrets: 0

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