

Author: Beck


Savegames(FullGame version):

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

For a test level, this is a lot of fun and well worth playing several times. Go to the wall and press the left pushbutton. Go back to the gun and use it to shoot dozens of raptors that run at you from the back wall. When you run out of raptors, go press the middle pushbutton. Go back to the gun and kill more raptors. When you run out of raptors, go press the right pushbutton. Go back to the gun and kill more raptors. That's it, as there is no end trigger and the pushbuttons do not reset. You cannot get over the fence but the raptors can, so kill them before they get to you. However, on one play, a raptor got through and pushed me through the fence. You can use pistols but you really have no chance.

End of the level

Pickups: 0

Kills: too many to count

Secrets: 0

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