



Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble)

Get onto the icey platform just ahead of you and push the button to open the door to the cabin on the next area. Jump to it and inside the cabin you'll find the Shotgun. Throw the lever and head through the open gates outside.

End of Level.
Secrets: none

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

[Note] You should play this level as Antarc.tr2 with the TR3 full game. Do not rename it to shore.tr2 and play with the demo [End note].

Notice Lara's breath in the cold Antarctic air. When you dive into the water, the cold water health meter is also active. Jump to the nearest ice floe and look to your left for a pushbutton on the ice wall. Press the pushbutton and continue jumping the ice floes until you reach a ledge. Go to the cabin and enter the open door. Pick up the shotgun and shotgun shells (1) from the floor. Pull the wall switch and hear a gate open. Exit the cabin and loop to the right. Run into the open gate and the level ends.

End of the level
Pickups: 1
Kills: 0
Secrets: 0

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