



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Slide down a slope and land in front of a snowman. Go left and pass the snowmobile and go into a tunnel. Walk onto the razor wire to pick up a large medipack (1), Desert Eagle (2) and a shotgun (3). Then crouch and crawl into the black tunnel. Pull up onto a ledge and pull a switch to hear a gate open. Get down, crawl through the razor wire and go back to the snowmobile. Drive through the open door and jump the ramp over the water. I could never make both ramps. Dismount and jump over the slope to kill a praying mantis (1). You hear something larger. Jump back and wait for a Shiva (2) to arrive. Kill the Shiva as well. Do not go into the water as it is filled with deadly piranha. Jump over the slope and enter the doorway. To the right you see a lock. Go forward to the gate and then go to the right. Pick up a Hut key (4) from the top of the RX Explorer box. Go back and use the key in the lock and the gate opens. Go to the gate, drop into the hole and the level ends.

End of the level

Pickups: 4

Kills: 2

Secrets: 0

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