
TR3 Test Levels: Water to Air

Author: Slash Homepage


Savegames(FullGame version)

Walkthrough: Lucas (Treeble) (Oct-15/06)

Similar to the one above, you have Winston in the wet room you start and he's walking around. There's a dry room on the other end, if you'd try to swim out normally you wouldn't manage, but if you swim over the "10" (which I assume to be the "sink" value), Lara will be dragged out of the water and into the dry area, where she can collect the ROCKET LAUNCHER and put Winston out of his misery (she won't lock her aim onto him, but you can aim manually and he'll still be blown to pieces). To jump back in the water, simply avoid the "10" zone as it will drag you immediately back to the dry area. There's no finish trigger.

End of testlevel

Secrets: none

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