
Show Light Base

Author: Ronald Ferreira Barbosa


Savegames(FullGame version):

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Drop to a platform in a colorful room. Lara's hair is a bright blue color you have no guns. Drop down onto the floor. Ahead on the left comer ledge is HK ammo and on the right corner ledge is the HK gun. Go to the end and climb a wall. Kill a guard. Continue forward and go down a slope onto the lower floor. Get into the shallow pool and pick up a large medipack. Jump over the flames that erupt in the pool. The left passageway is a dead-end right now. Go into the right passageway and loop around to the left. Climb a long ladder and shimmy to the left at the top. Pick up a small medipack off the floor.

Stay there and wait for an armored guard to appear. Use the HK sniper mode to shoot the armored guard in the head. Pick up HK ammo from the body. I found the only method was to use the HK gun in sniper mode and aim for the head. Anything else and he shoots deadly rays before you can kill him. [It reminds me of the suits in Half-life.] Go into the next room and up the steps. Go to the end of the corridor and press the button. Lara will disappear into the wall. You get a cut scene showing a grate opening.

Exit this room and climb down the ladder. Now go into the other passageway and climb the ladder. Pull up into the tunnel behind the now open grate. Crawl through a crawlspace to a T-junction. To the left is a golden rose behind a closed grate. Crawl down the right crawlspace and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 5
Kills: 2
Secrets: 0


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