



Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

Just follow the wide corridor until you come to a small opening. You can see deadly lava on the other side. Get into the opening and shoot two green birds (1,2) that are shooting white bolts at you. Turn around and jump to a safe tile. Then jump to the left corner onto a safe tile. Pick up three red shotgun shells (1,2,3) and the shotgun (4). Jump back to the central tiles and jump over the lava to the room with the dead birds. Go towards the open doorway with the fires and kill two guards (3,4). Enter the doorway and notice a water pool to the left. I found nothing in it. I guess that it is there in case you catch fire. Go right and you pass another water pool. Dive in and swim to the back wall. You can dive into a hole there and go left to pull up into a large cavern room with nothing in it. On the way back, the water entrance looks like the floor so it is hard to see. When you return just follow the corridor and you finally go through a small doorway. It is snowing and there is a helicopter in the sly. You can pick up a torch from the middle of the room and light it on a fire. However, I found nothing to use it on. Just run to the helicopter and the level ends.

End of the level.
Pickups: 4
Kills: 4
Secrets: 0

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