
Lara and the Easter Egg

Author: illyaine Christoph Summerer ([christoph]) Homepage

Download: Here


[Note] Copy the *.mp3 files from the Audio English or Audio German directory into the Audio directory and convert all of the files. Now copy the appropriate directories and other files into the TRLE directory to run the game. [End note]



The level starts with Lara sliding down a slope and landing in the grass. The narration explains how to move Lara with the arrow keys. Go to the north-west corner and enter the alcove. Pull down the wall switch and you get a cut scene showing a gate opening near you. Enter the open gate and get into the crawl space. Lara says that the crawl is too slow and to use the weapon key to get into a crouch. Then use the sprint key to roll down the crawlspace at a faster rate. You can use the jump key to roll forward at the end to get out of the crawl space.

You drop into water and Lara explains how to swim. Swim south and pull up into a tunnel as the camera view changes. Run up the tunnel and onto a ledge. Lara explains about use the forward arrow key to climb the wall. At the top of the wall, Lara will automatically grab the ceiling monkey swing. Use the roll key to turn around on the monkey swing. Go south and pull down the jump switch. You get a cut scene of a gate opening. Climb the wall again and monkey swing north to the open gate.

Get into the crawlspace and drop into the trench on the other side. Go east over the two walls and pick up the Rainbow Key. Hop into the tunnel and stand jump only onto the tiles with the gold circles. Any other tile will close the gate. Jump into the tunnel and go to the end. Use the Rainbow Key to raise a block behind you. Hop onto the block and climb the west wall of the vertical shaft above you. Follow the tunnel and get into another crawlspace. Lara explains how to pick up the small medipack in the crawlspace. Follow the crawl space down the ramp and the level changes.

I did find any use of the new moves in the next level.

Lara and the Easter Egg:

Secret 1-2-3-4:


You start on a block overlooking a building in the water. Go west and go forward behind the tree. You hear a narration from Lara. Push the tree limb on the disguised floor lever. You get a cut scene of a windmill and a block falling near the building.  If you fall into the water it is very difficult to get out. Swim to the ledge on the south side of the building where you saw the block drop. Pull up and go west and jump to the south shore by a windmill.

Go south and climb the hills to the west into another area. You see a building and more water to the west. You can see hills to the south for later. Slide down into the water and swim to the south-west. Go through a small tunnel and surface. Pull up onto path next to the house. To the south you can see a closed gate. Go north to the front of a house. Shoot a gray vase for a Mosaic Piece. The second gray vase contains nothing. Move the white vase from the tile near the house onto the tile near the water. You get a cut scene of a windmill and a door opening in a small building. Go north and follow the path to the small building. If you fall into the water you can climb up onto the wooden dock.

Enter the building and ignore the mermaid statue. Go south to enter the room with the table. Shoot the large vases for two small medipacks. Enter the doorway in the east wall. Go north to the end of the corridor and enter the alcove for a small medipack. Now return south and enter the only open doorway to the east. You enter a room with a sunken floor. Go to the small south alcove for flares. Enter the room and Lara says to shoot the fuse box on the west wall. Oops! The lights go out. Pull down the switch in the fuse box. Some lights start to flash and you hear a door open. Go south back into the corridor. Go north to enter the open door. Pull down the wall switch in the alcove and go south to a newly open gate. Notice that the entrance way is closed.

You enter an outside area and Lara mentions her lost keys.  Go to the north-west and pick up Jeep Keys from the small blue flowers near the window. Return to the house and the entrance way is open again. Go though the house back onto the wooden dock. Follow the dock south and follow the path to the south-east to return to the starting area. You have to open the small gate before you get to the jeep. Dive into the water and swim to the building. Go to the south side and place the Mosaic Piece. You get a cut scene of the small gate opening.

Dive into the water and swim to the east wall and enter an underwater tunnel. Pick up a large medipack and follow the tunnel. You can surface anywhere for air. Swim to the west and enter a side tunnel to your right. Go to the end for secret #1 and a Blue Rose. Return to the first tunnel and swim to the end. Stand in the higher north-west corner to grab the wall. Climb to the top and pull up onto the west ledge. Lara gives a narration about the bridge above you.

Notice the rotating water wheel to the south-west. Grab the underside of the bridge and follow the monkey swing to the east. Go to the middle of the last bridge section and drop onto the ground. If you drop at the end of the bridge, you fall into the water. Climb the south-west hill beside the windmill and pick up a large medipack.  Dive into the water at the windmill. You can see something under the windmill but the current is too strong. Pull up at the north-west corner. Swim back to the building ledge and jump to the south shore again. Go west over the hill and go south through the open small gate to get the jeep. Drive up through the small gate and follow the signs that have appeared.

Go through a tunnel and turn to the left. If you go to the right, the tunnel follows around back to the start of the tunnel so that you can try the left turn again. Follow the path to a garden area with trees. Get out of the jeep. You can see arrows pointing to the west wall. Enter the doorway in the east wall. You enter a room and the camera view changes. Lara mentions not to shoot the cat. Go north and turn into an alcove to see a key lock. You get a cut scene of the water wheel and Lara mentions that the water is too fast. You can shoot the three vases but the vases are empty. Exit the room and go back through the tunnel the way you came. Either run or take the jeep. You can see that a wall has dropped to reveal a new outside area.

You can see a small pond, a garden overgrown with weeds, and a block on the high north hill. Dive into the water and swim to the middle of the pond. Among the green waterweeds you can pick up secret #2 and a Green Rose. Get out of the water and go to the garden. Go north and see a vine near the north ledge. Lara mentions to climb the plant. The action is different from the normal climb. Climb above the west ledge and turn around so that your back is to the ledge. Press UP ARROW, CTRL, and ALT and Lara jumps back and rolls around to grab the west ledge. The actual roll (END) key is not necessary. Turn the wheel on the block. You get a cut scene of the water wheel. Lara says that she can now get the key.

Exit this area and follow the tunnel to the east to get to the windmill.  Leave the jeep, as you cannot get it past a block to drive back to the windmill. I did not find a way to remove the block so you have to run and climb the hills. Go east over the hills and dive into the water. Swim through the east wall underwater tunnel again. Climb the wall and just dive into the water, Swim under the windmill and pick up the Rainbow Key. Swim out again and pull up at the north-west corner. Swim back to the building ledge and jump to the south shore again. Go west over the hill and return to the jeep. Drive the jeep back and park it near the arrows pointing to the west wall. Enter the east room and use the Rainbow key in the key lock. Exit the room and there is an opening in the west wall.

Get into the jeep and drive through the doorway. Get out of the jeep. You can shoot four empty vases if you want. Enter the south tunnel and pull up into a crawl space. Drop into a room and climb the block at the south wall. Monkey swing to the east across the water. Push the pedestal with the blue ball onto the yellow tile at the end of the ledge. Swim back and pick up a small medipack off a ledge. Follow the crawl space back to where you left the jeep. Drive the jeep into the south wall doorway and follow the tunnel. Drive to another area. The arrows point across a bridge but it is blocked off by doors.

First dive into the water and swim to the north-east area. Pick up secret #3 and a Golden Rose off the bottom of the water. Go west to pull back up onto a ledge. Jump west into a building with arches. The jeep should be to the north. Go south and into the south-west area. Use another disguised floor lever in the red tulips. A block drops in the north wall. Enter the alcove for secret #4 and a Red Rose. You can get this later but I did it now. Go north around to the building with the arches. Pick up a large medipack and go west into a garden.

Go north and pick up a yellow Easter Egg and get a cut scene of a wall dropping. Pick up a large medipack in the north-east corner. Shoot the vases to the north-west for two small medipacks. Go south through the archway. Pick up a small medipack from the ground. You see a closed gate in the east wall. Go west through the dropped wall and see an equation on the back wall. The equation is "3x5+6-1=2". Of course, this is wrong. However the 3, 6, and 1 blocks are moveable. Move the blocks to read "1x5+3-6=2". When a block is correct, you get a cut scene of the gate. At the end, you get a cut scene f the east wall gate opening. Go east to enter the room. Pull down the wall switch and get a cut scene of the bridge and the doors are open.

Go back to the jeep and drive over the bridge. Drive it east and over the hills. You get a flyby of a rabbit and Lara in an Easter Bunny suit. Then the level ends.

08-apr-2007 Revised 16-apr-2007

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