
Meeting Speed Raiding 2 (2009)

Author: Christoph Summerer ([christoph]) (illyaine) Homepage

Download: Here


Objective of this game is to finish the 2 levels as quickly as possible.


Note: This level take adventure at floating blocks mostly green. So my walkthrough will be phrased accordingly. Thanks.


Start by sliding purple slope, jump/grab the horizontal pole, roll and jump over to the sloped green block. Jump north, slide and jump as far as you can forward over to the green block and go to the end. Jump SE, slide and jump NE, climb the block and jump over to the sloped block, grab it and shimmy until you stop. Do a backflip and grab a deep green block, pull up, then run/jump east onto the upper green block and follow it. Run/jump over to the far SW deep green block, jump the west and the south blocks, then the next two upper blocks to reach a ladder and climb up to the top. Grab the sloped block and shimmy, once at the gray tile backflip onto a green block and take a running jump to the next block.

Stand facing north, run/jump to grab the edge, pull up and slide, jump over to the green block. Slide the gray slope and jump/grab the horizontal pole for jumping forward and grab another block. Slide the gray slope, jump and try to grab the ladder wall, then climb up, shimmy and drop onto the slope. Start sliding and jumping two sloped blocks and safely reach the green block down. Follow it and run/jump the east gap to grab another block and go to the end. Jump over to the west pale blue block, jump the next green block, continue jumping south and east two green blocks. Stand facing south, slide and jump forward, slide the next slope and land on a deep green block.

Jump/grab the west green block and shimmy around, drop and slide a short purple slope. Follow a little bit and drop onto a lower green block, take a running jump to the NW block. From here jump up the next three deep green blocks and reach the white block. Jump to the west block and one more jump/grab the ladder and climb to the top of the block. Take standing jump over the deep green slope, slide once and jump over to the block. Go to the end and jump over to the west deep green block, continue jumping south then west and keep toward the deep green block to grab the edge. Pull up and slide, land on the block ahead, jump north, grab the sloped block and shimmy until you can pull up.

By progress with backflip jumping between the two sloped blocks you must be with your face east to land safely onto a slope, then jump over to the block and follow it. At the end take a running jump to the south blocks and climb to the top. Jump and slide the next three sloped blocks, grab the horizontal pole, roll and land on a block. Jump/grab the next horizontal pole and jump the next block and follow it. At the end backflip the purple slope and jump forward, grab the edge, then shimmy and climb onto a gray block. Take a running jump NW pass two blocks and slide a green sloped block, jump over a deep green block and climb to the top. Climb a tall column and run/jump SW over a deep green block. Jump west and climb the block, then jump south into the pool, surface and climb the pale blue ledge.

Jump/grab the horizontal pole, roll and jump over to the slope and land on a block. From here take a series of jumping sloped blocks until you reach a safe block. Continue to the next block, then jump the next two north blocks, continue on the east blocks and climb up, jump to the south twice and reach a long green block. At the far edge you can see the compass (by using your binoculars) but I didn't manage to get it as part of the block disappears while following it and I find myself falling down. Anyway, from the block you are standing on, take a running jump over to the deep green block and a final jump into the pale blue tower to end part one.


Grab the zipline and start sliding, be ready to jump off when you think you are close enough to land safely onto a block with a large medipack. Jump toward the north block and continue jumping to the far white and later over to the deep green. Slide over the purple block and watch as boulder rolling on the far gray block. Run and jump over there, grab the edge and pull up, jump to the green block and push the box to the end and climb it, then jump to the next block. From here take a series of jumping sloped blocks until you reach a safe block with box. Simply push it forward to fall down, then reach the next block, then climb the south blocks until the upper block. From here jump over to the deep green and next over the gray, jump/grab the pole, roll and jump over the pale blue block, grab it and slide. Jump/grab the west pole and Lara will take a very long jump forward over a green slope. Slide and jump onto a pale blue block, jump to the next and do the final jump over the purple block for ending this level.

Walkthrough by Yoav

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