
Palace 1.

Author: Ricardo Barros Duarte d'Oliveira Website

Download: Here


You begin in a big room, from where Lara is standing look for opening in the ceiling. Go a few steps, jump and pull Lara into the room above, go toward the brown door, it will open automatically, in the room you see closed room with mesh. Go to the next room, climb onto the block, pull the switch and shoot the two swinging balls, then shoot on soldier and dog, notice he will drop the Palace Key 1.

Note: I was not able to open the room with mesh, I guess the switch and blowing the two swinging balls should do the work but it still stays closed.

Back in the beginning room shoot soldier and use the key, it opens the door. Inside pull the switch, it will lower the cage, take the Blue Gem, place it and flyby shows how Lara falls down to water. Swimming toward the canal, get out of the water into a room, shoot the vase and pick up Torch, the skeletons wake up. Light the torch and then lighting the wall torch the double door raises up, go to next room with the different color signs. Look at the ceiling for tile mesh, now take jump on each tile under the tile mesh; if you do it right you see few waterfall and the brown door will open.

Follow downstairs, you will come to a room with statue, pick up the Holy Scriptions 1, back to the top of the stairs and place it. After the flyby finishes, go back to the room again, go to the mesh and pick up the The Time Artifact, go to the statue and place it. After the screenshots, return to the room with skeletons and climb up the bookcase, pull Lara into a crawlspace and shoot the small crate. Pick up the Holy Scriptions 2, back the stairs and place it, the brown door at the statue room is open. Go over there and take the Palace Key 2, back again to the room with bookcase, stand facing right side of the white door and use the key (there's no keyhole), slide down toward the dark and finish the level.

Walkthrough by Yoav

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