
Lara's shadow-Lara Croft in Trouble Part1

Author: Scoobykah

Download: Here

Install: Just unzip and play.

Story: Lara received an order, about finding a certain artifact called the "Redball". It’s believed this artifact supported the magical powers of Merlin. Lara found a note at the suburb library about where the artifact is located.

Review: From the title I expected a full size level but in reality it's just a short demo, that of course is no problem but it could have been put in the title or at least in the readme for the players know what to expect. As a demo however it's quite alright, especially as a debut, of the usual beginner errors only some missing sounds are present. The architecture is okay, texturing is very well done. Unfortunately the level is quite dark, we're given enough flares though. Some places showed that the builder tried to play with directed lighting, there should be much more of those instead of simply turning down the overall lighting level. The new anims were poor choice IMO, if you stop underwater Lara always moves into vertical position compared to the camera, hindering orientation and the ability too look around comfortably, from the jump/roll she can't hit the ground running, these bothered me. Gameplay is okay, although the shortness of the level and the numerous places that were seen but couldn't be reached made me left wanting some more. Nevertheless it's a promising attempt and I'm looking forward to the full version.

Kills 20
Pickups 12
Secrets 1



Starting inventory: standard; pistols with unlimited ammo, binoculars, 3 flares, 3 small 1 large medis, compass.

Go to the first room and shoot the two little spiders. You can get up on the broken column by the move described in the readme; jump+down. Once up shoot three bats. There aree three openings, go in the middle and reach a small library, once inside a dog appears behind you, shoot it and collect the items; two packs of flare, one is on a pedestal the other in the bush in the far right corner, on the other pedestal the revolver and lasersight. Back to the previous room, turn right, you reach a pool, get the flare and the crowbar from bushes in the back of the room, jump in the pool and pull the lever. Go back to the previous room and continue forward in the third opening. When you jump across a bat wakes up behind you. There are three rows of spikes in the corridor, the first is yet inactive, the second operates as usual, the third turns on when you have gone through it, you can dash but that comes with a small injury, best if you stand on the closer side of the spike tile and do a sideflip, the new backflip anim apparently influences Lara's collision area, so that doesn't work.

Go on, the door you opened is to the right, behind it get throught the slicer, pick up the shotgun in the right corner and pull the lever. Come back out, the next door on the right is opened. You can jump over, the spikes here work downwards, it's possible to go that way too though, on the other side take the scroll named Roll. Come out and continue to the right, down the stairs. Where the stairway separates spiders will attack on both directions. They lead to the same place, down in the middle place the scroll, and continue through the nearby opened gate.

You reached an intersection, there's a hanging ball in front of you above the pedestal, shoot it, you can use either the revolver or the shotgun, it opens the secret in the library. If you're interested go back there to see something strange behind the opened bookshelf, there's no chime but this is the secret. Go back to the intersection where you shot the ball.

At the intersection go to the right, in the next room shoot two dogs, and continue toward the stone face. In the middle of the passage there are openings on both sides, in the left one you find the 1st Trident, go by the wall because the spiked walls only come out till the middle of the room (bug?). Continue towards the stone face, drop in the water and swim back under the passege. In this underwater section you find ammo toward the left behind a corner, and a lever toward the right behind some greenery. Meanwhile 2 crocodiles attack, swim back to shore to take care of them. The lever opens the door at the back of the right section, there's an airhole too if you need it. In the end of the passage pick up the 2nd Trident, swim back to the face and place them on the statues in the corners. They open an underwater gate in the other room in the middle of the passage leading here.

Go there and swim through, in the next room you can get out of the water in the middle, then jump on the shore and shoot the spiders. There's a dark opening in one of the corners, drop down there and follow the passage to a room, shoot the spider and pry the Golden Star out of the wall. Go back out, climb the ladder, jump across and go through the corridor with spiked walls. Go back to the intersection where the shootable ball was.

This time go the other directrion, you get in a big room. From here you can go on exploring if you like, you'll find few more vases to shoot but that's about it. Place the star in a receptacle, doesn't matter which.


For Hardcore players: the level can be completed without a scratch with pistols only, maximal statistics.

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