
Search For The Mystic Stones

Author: Titak

Download: Here

Unpack the Titak-SearchForTheMysticStones.zip. Copy the 109.wav file into the Audio, the sir_bz1.wav and sir_flap.wav files into the Sound/Samples root, the citynight, sewers and weirdscience files into the Graphics/Wads folder and the rest into the main folder. Run the Level Converter and build up the citynight.TOM, sewers.TOM and wierdscience.TOM files INDIVIDUALLY! You can’t see the converting process but checking the Data folder you will see the .tr4 files soon. Finally rename the weirdscene.tr4 gateway.tr4 and run the game. This is in a bit eternal bustle but this three levels worth the effort.


These 3 levels are excellent, they have become my favourite. Perhaps you can't really get jammed but it's hard to find all secrets. Well, I would not have found all secrets if Titak had not helped me.:-) I found only 2 of the 6 secrets for the first time. The story begins in an abandoned city and continues in channels. You have to go down into the catacombs to find all the 4 artefacts and stones. In the end Lara leaves the scene by a helicopter. Meantime you have to collect Keys and Horseman's Gems, pulling levers, detonating a helicopter, getting through rolling blades. You must swim much and solve several puzzles. There are plenty of enemies: dogs, bats, soldiers, knights, horseman and fire wraiths with several machine-guns. But there are enough weapon and medipacks too. Sometimes the scene is a bit dark but what else could be on such a gruesome spot? The textures are as great as the added sounds - my back was shivering. :-) There's a bug at the beginning of the third level. Before you get down into the channel you can get up onto the rooftop and running towards the helicopter you can skip the whole level. And the weirdscience files must be renamed to gateway files 'cause the third level works only in this way. I recommend it to everybody, it was a unique amusement and good adventure.


In an old book Lara found in her elaborate library at the Croft Mansion, Lara reads about the mysterious Mystic Stones. During her research she learns that the Mystery cult has already found two of the artefacts. The members of the cult have taken these two artefacts to a town  somewhere in the Netherlands, where they have hidden them in two different locations. While guarding the artefacts they have started to tear the town apart in search of the  remaining three artefacts. Lara's search starts out in "City at Night" where she will have to find the  two artefacts hidden by the cultmembers. She also has to find the entrance to the second level "Into the Sewers" to retrieve the third artefact. Returning to "City at Night" she finds a gate, which had been locked before, opened by the cultmembers. This gate gains access to "Wierd Science" where the cultmembers have already secured an area in which the entrance to the catacombs where a weird machine can be found. Lara finally has to find the fourth and last Stone, return safely to the outside world and get out alive. The levels are dark and gloomy. They are made up of large outdoor area's, nice warm indoor rooms, damp sewer systems, an abandoned church and weird science rooms underground. Lara is wearing a jeans outfit with a white top and black boots.


1. City at Night 1.

Turning left on the corner shoot the dog but take care of the armed man on the storey later. On the main square kill the armed man and another dog. Heading to the right enter the house next to the burning barrel. Climb up onto the higher box and get the Roof Key. Starting from the smaller one after a running jump climb up onto the storey. Pull down the trapdoor, climb up on the rooftop. Now you can kill the armed man from a fair distance. Open the door. You can’t see a keyhole but stand in front of the door and press the CTRL button. Get down the stairs and find the Shotgun and Laser Sight below, guarded by a dog. Shoot the white vases placed in the alcoves and the door opens above. Shoot the bird outside and get on the other side through the small roof to the left. Push open the door. Open both the 3 doors inside and find the small medipack to the left, the large medipack and Crossbow ammo behind the bookshelf. Entering the left one continue your way. Shooting the vase get the goodies from behind. Go to the left, push the lever. Shooting the box and pulling away the left-hand shelf collect everything. Find the motorbike finally. 

Ride out to the channel. Get off and go to the left around the corner. Climb up the hill before the fence and climbing down shoot the grate. Find the SECRET #1: the Crossbow. Jumping into the water find the Grenade Gun in the lateral branch. Ride to the right around the channel and ride into among the houses. Where the machine-gun starts shooting at Lara ride to the left and the ground collapses behind the bike. Be cautious because if you fall down into the weather with your bike this means Lara’s dead. Turn around carefully and ride into the right-hand passage. Get off in front of the closed door. Pull the lever to the right and the door opens. Shoot all boxes. Smash the wall with the bike above and return to the houses. Get off the bike where you get out. There’s a small house opposite. Standing on its right-hand corner climb up and get the SECRET #2: the Grenade Gun ammo. Get back into the channel and find a ladder in one of the lateral branches to the left. There’s an underwater gap there. Swimming in find the Shotgun ammo and climbing out pull the lever. Now you can climb the ladder and jumping back find yourself in a garden.

Opening the door find another Roof Key in the right-hand corner and the Revolver on the storey. Open the door. Combining the Revolver with the Laser Sight shoot once at the barrel standing in front of the helicopter. The machine-guns blow up. Get over there and shoot the soldier. Enter, collect the UZI to the right, pull up the trapdoor. Climbing onto the left-hand box get and throw out the Torch. Meantime some bats disturb Lara. Light your Torch next to the barrel above and entering the other entrance throw it on the plank floor. Get down, kill the soldier and get up the stairs. Pull down the underwater trapdoor and get the Stone of Light. Return up and opening the door get outside.

Heading to the right find another Revolver and a soldier behind the lorry. Have a look around as there are some goodies in the small streets. Some of them are guarded by box, others are hidden by a box. Passing on run behind the left-hand boxes before the machine-gun. Shoot the grate in the corner, creep across before the steam and pull down the trapdoor on the other side. Collect another Laser Sight and climb up. Shoot the machine-gun above and get down on the small square. Entering the house and take care of the soldier inside. Open the door. Head up the stairs and a dog & soldier welcome Lara. Get the Stone of Infinity. Return below and kill 2 soldiers. Return into the channel and you can see the opening grate in its end. Swimming in the level finishes. 

2. Into the Sewers

Swim for a while and climb put for some Flares. Swim to the right first and pull the rope at the pool. Swim back to the previous place. Now swim to the left and to the right after the corner. Pull the rope there again and always swimming to the right pull the third one. The grate opens finally and you can swim out into the large pool. Climbing out on the other side head up the stairs. After killing some bats find yourself in a channel full of with corpses. Shoot all vases and get the goodies. Swim to the right first and find the SECRET #3: a Large Medipack. Continue your way again all the way to the right and reach another pool. Climbing out find another Crossbow and pull the underwater lever on the ceiling. Swim to the right again, a grate opens above. Get the Small Medipack before the grate and swim through the opening. Pull the rope there which opens a grate leading to a Secret. Return to the very first pool. Shoot the swinging sphere and get to the open large gate.

Head to the right first. After a run-up jump towards the platform but jump straight, one block to the right of the platform. Get the Stone of Eternity and go straight at the junction. Run to the right avoiding the rolling down spike but before climbing the ladder find the Crossbow Ammo on the top of the slope. Climbing up and jumping back from the middle of the ladder you are in a small water again. Swimming to the right pull the rope which takes off the water. Get to the right again and pull another rope. Heading to the right return to the now open grate. Step on the floor tiles in the corners inside and the floor tile in front of you to the left opens. In the chamber of the knights find the wooden obstacle, lure them there and they will smash it. But take care of not smashing Lara too!

You are in a cemetery now. A black bird awaits Lara. In the opposite crypt shoot the grate in the corner. Crawl in and descend. Take care of the steaming blower. In the end find yourself in a pool with waterfall. Climb down and up the ladder. Jump to the waterfall and sliding down grab the ladder on the ceiling on the other side. Scale to the alcove. After a run-up jump on the patterned floor tile and after a single jump grab the edge of the gap. On the other side find the SECRET #4: Crossbow Ammo. Now continue your way on the ladders next to the waterfall and you are in the first level again.

City at Night 2.

Get out of the channel and get on your bike. Ride to the right to the channel and sweep round to the left. On the other side run over 3 soldiers amongst the houses. On the closed area the ground collapses behind Lara and you are in the next level. .

3. Weird Science

Get off the bike. Heading to the left before the slope shoot the grate and find a Large Medipack. Jump over the channel, pull down the trapdoor, climb up the ladder, creep across before the steam-blower, shoot the box next to the lorry and collect the Nitrous Oxide Feeder. Get back, fit it in the bike and speeding up jump over the channel. Shoot another grate next to the closed door. Crawling in pull down the lever which opens the door. Meantime a bat annoys Lara. Ride across the small bridge and the ground collapses again behind the bike. Get off the bike, pull the lever on the other side and climb the ladder. Make a backward somersault, slide down and jump. Grab the ladder, climb up, make a backward somersault and grab the other ladder. Climbing up find yourself in a new quarter.

Pull the lever, kill the dog and the 3 soldiers. Beyond the channel getting in amongst the houses open the door. Pull away the dead soldier from the grate and jumping into the hole push the lever below. The grate opens above. Get down and after a bit slide you are outside again. If you climb up to the left from the hill onto the roof and sidling to the right get up then running towards the helicopter the level finishes. But where is the adventure and experience?

So get down into the channel again, shoot the soldier. Jumping across the big pit pull the lever on the red box which explodes the TNT. Head into the open tunnel, jump across the rotating blades and getting to the right kill the 2 soldiers. Pull down the wall switch in the alcove to the left which opens the large iron gate. In the big chamber kill another knight and climb down the pole on the other side of the chamber. Take care of the rotating blades. On a lower level get some supply but take care of the falling ball. Pull the lever in the end of the crawling space, collect the Medipack and getting back the grate has opened. Kill the horseman, collect the 2 Horseman's Gem and look up where you have got the Small Medipack. There’s a grate above which is now open but you will return here later.  

Head down the stairs, get the Laser Sight and climb up the ladder. Kill another 2 soldiers above and shoot the copper sphere next to the small pool. A grate opens outside. Place the Gem in its receptacle and run into the water from the wraiths. Get back to the cog-wheels but before going through the open grate next to the other one return to the now open grate you saw a minute ago. Find the SECRET #5 above: Grenade Gun Ammo. Now get back through the open grate but take care of the falling ball. Climb up the pole, take care of the rotating blades and return into the main room. Kill another 2 knights and get the Stone of Life. Enter the open grate to the other side and jump into the water. Pull the lever on the other side. Don’t get down into the small room but monkey swing to the wall gap and crawl in. Reach the exploded exit. Climb up to the right, kill the soldier and enter the open door. Climb up the ladder, pull the lever in the end of the crawlspace, kill the bats and climb back in.

Now you can climb outside. Open the door, kill the dog and the soldier and run straight before the machine-gun turning right. Meanwhile several soldiers attack Lara. You can shoot 2 machine-guns with the Revolver. Find a crawlspace next to the boxes and the SECRET#6 below: the Grenade Gun. Climb up onto the box, grab the edge of the house, sidle to the right. Pressing the left arrow make a backward somersault. You are on the roof next to the helicopter. The level finishes.

The real conclusion of the level: Go around the house with the helicopter. On the other side is a pit with mines. Grap the fence and climb to the right, across the pit. Jump of the fence and enter the house with the helicopter. Inside is a climable wall. Use it to climb up on the roof. The level finishes when you take a step towards the helicopter. (Titia)

Walkthrough by OBig from ™TREditor.hu

Translated by Petunia from ™TombRaider.hu

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