
The Tears of Sun Level 1. – Phuket

Author: posyd

Download: Here

Extract the .zip file. Copy the files contained in the "audio" folder into a temporary folder, then launch the "start_me.exe" executable. This will convert the .mp3 files into .wav files. When it is finished, copy all these files into the "..\trle\audio folder". Copy the files from the "data" folder into the "..\trle\data" folder and the other files contained in the "trle" folder into the "..\trle" main folder.Launch the tomb4.exe for playing the adventure... Have fun! :)


Legend has it, that million years ago, the ancient gods created the four Tears of Life to maintain balance in the world and to guard the gate between the Underworld and the Living World. If one of the four Tears became damaged, that would have catastrophic consequences. But once if they get close to each other, the gate to the Underworld opens, with the 4th Tear in its deepest regions. If this would ever fell into the hands of a living creature, it would give the power to rule the nations of the Underworld and unleash the wraiths of the dead on Earth. A sect that exists for over 2000 years, called the TOODES, had sworn in front of the ancient pagan gods to find the three Tears, and with those also the fourth to conquer and rule the world. Lara revealed the location of two tears so far and she takes the ride to defeat evil and save the world.


This adventure takes places in Thailand. It's a quite easy, short level; unfortunately without secrets, but the textures are wonderful. The advance of the author can be clearly seen, and I know that he will continue this adventure. The enemies are only tigers, and there is a snake too. Most of the challenges are to get the movable blocks to their place using the small elevators. There is also some tight-rope walking and skilled jumping on ladders. The added sounds are also good, but I could imagine a little thai music during the play. :) I suggest this small recreation for everybody. :)



Wait until the guide takes the torch from the wall, lights it and makes some light in the cave. He also deactivates the spikes, so you can get over them now. He only lights the last torch if you go back a while, past the spikes, but it's not important anyway. Head to the right, jump into the water and you can pick up a green apple on the left. This is the small medipack on this level. In the water, on the other side of the lake, you can find another one. Go out the shore and kill the tiger.

You have reached a wondeful area. In the valley, among the foothills you can find several buildings sorrounded by the see, in Thailand. In the water, in front of the buildings, you can climb out onto a rock behind the small island. Jump and grab the edge under the fence, then climb up to the small pedestal and pick up the Guardian Key.

Go out to the sandy shore and get to the rock by jumping from one pillar in the water to another. Climb up to the wall, climb the ladder and shimmy right to the button. Push it and a stone will fall into the water opening a door below. Don't go there yet. Continue forward over the rocks, kill the snake and you can either walk the tight-rope to reach the other side or grab the edge in front of you after a runjump. Head to the right, jump over the less sloped rocks, then at the top of the building shimmy to its right corner. From there, jump to the right onto the small bridge, then onto the other one, and jump again to grab the top of the building where you can use your key to open the door below. Climb down to the shore and go to the previously opened door.

Jump over the spiky pit and on the right jump into the other room. You can find a movable block on the right. Pull it onto the grey square, then onto the white square next to the raised block. You can elevate it to the next floor using the lever on the ground floor. Climb up and push/pull it onto the white square in the corner. Pull the lever there and elevate it to the top floor. Climb the ladder and grab the bridge after a twisty (+END) jump. Jump left behind the railing and push/pull the block onto the grey floortile. The door opens and inside you can pick up the Canopic Jar 2.

Go out to the shore, then head left and go in the other open door. Shoot the crate on the left and you can pick up another Apple. Put the Jar into its receptacle and the door opens. Go in, kill the tiger and climb the ladder in front of you. Jump back into the passage, pull up on the right into the alcove. Grab the crack and shimmy left, pull up into the alcove, then jump over to the other side. Jump over the small fence and pick up another Apple in the passage. Push in the movable block on the right until you can. You have reached another room. The task here is to get the block onto the grey floortile again.

Now, go to the lever on the left and pull it. Go back to the block, climb to its other side and push it onto the raised block. Pull the left lever again, then also the one on the right side and pull/push the movable block onto that raised block too. Push the right lever again, and so you can push the block onto the grey square opening the door in the room outside where you used the Jar. Head back there, enter the open door and you can pick up the Sun Talisman. The door next to you has opened.

Slide down the slope, the hurry in the room with the swinging blades on the right, because the door will close and also a falling block can bury you. Go behind the swinging blades, jump up into a crevice in the wall and you will reach a small valley. Kill the tiger from above, climb down the ladder and push the button on the wall. Go back up the ladder, walk the tight-rope, walk the other one too and you can put your talisman to its place on the left in the small room. Enter the opened door and notice the small pool - this will be the way back. Pull up into the small crevice, crawl through it, hang down on the other side and slide down the sloped pillar, then jump and grab the ladder. Climb around the corner to the right side of the pillar and from there jump back onto the other pillar. Climb down the ladder (there are no spikes) and pull the lever on the wall. Climb back onto the pillar, jump over to the small pedestal and you can pick up the Golden Vraeus...

Jump back to the crevice in the wall, crawl through, then jump into the water and swim through the tunnel. After climbing out of water, climb the ladder and following a twisty (+END) jump grab the other ladder. Climb up and after sliding down you will get back to the shore.

Go along the shore and place your key into the dragonhead on the right and the door will open. The passage leads to another area where this short, but great adventure will end.

But it will be continued. :)

OBig © TREditor.hu

Translated by Lacek © TREditor.hu

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