
Weekly Business - Tuesday

Author: Titak

Download: Here

Unpack the Titak-WeeklyBusinessTuesday.zip. Copy the files from the Audio into the Audio folder, from the Samples into the Sound\Samples folder. Copy the files from the Wads1 and the Tuesday files into the Graphics\Wads folder, and the rest into the main folder. Run the Level Converter and build up the Tuesday.TOM file. Run the game and have fun!



While testing her racing skills on the motorcycle Lara digs up the entrance to a new cave beneath the racetrack. Lara has to get rid several animal enemies and set some things in motion before she can get to the scrap of paper, with a map drawn on it: " X Marks the Spot". Lara is wearing dark green pants, a white short shirt and white sneakers.


This is a very good level. Although the location is a bit dark' cause Lara is roaming about underground caves. Somehow the great ancestor, the TR1 crossed my mind about these places, especially about the underground machines. The enemies are bats, small and big dinos. There are quite enough weapons against them: the Shotgun, the UZI and the Grenade Gun from one of the Secrets. At the beginning you must find the Shovel with which you will dig down in one of the corners. Then you will have to find the 3 Cog Wheels for starting the machine. So you will find your final object: the Scrap of Paper. There's an interesting thing on the level. You can shorten it without using any Cog Wheels. When getting down into the deep, head to the right and get onto the left-hand small platform. There's a Small Medipack. Jump to the left, on the other side of the column. Shimmy to the right, make a backward somersault land on the other sloping area. Shimmy and reach the end of the level. You can see this on the pictures: http://www.treditor.hu/english/weekly_business_tuesday_eng.htm Of course this is nout our objective but the great adventure. :) The added sounds are great: the voice of the animals and Lara of course. The textures are great too. I love Titak's levels, waiting for the next one. I recommend this level to all of you, it was a great adventure.


Enter the building and collect the UZI from the box. Get on the bike, turn around and ride down in the basement. After the slope get off and climb up into the passage on the wall. Push in the crate, collect the Shotgun Ammo and push the button. Find the open gate and reach 2 pools. Find the Shotgun in one of them. Jump over the other's ledge, climb down the ladder and collect the Shovel. Find a light-brown nearby hill and use it. Lara drops down in the water. Getting out head to the right, get down or jump down into the water. Climb out. Meanwhile shoot the bats and the green reptile below. Get into the other small cave below, and after a small crawling pull the lever in the opposite right-hand corner. The grate opens in the small wooden building. Get inside, shoot the bats, climb up the ladder and collect the Cog Wheel #1. Get outside. Run up and jump into the left-hand alcove, then on the other shore. Find a Small Medipack. Climb down the ladder. In the now dry water-course climb into a crawlspace and find the Secret #1: The Grenade Gun. Meantime kill a few dinosaurs and bats. Return the way where you came above and head into the opposite direction. 

Jump over next to the hurdle and back on the other side. Small dinosaurs attack Lara but she gets some Shotgun Ammo there. Reach a pool. Jump into the water and swim into another one. Meanwhile get the Cog Wheel #2. Swim back, kill a reptile on the shore and reach the gears. Notice that 3 wheel are missing. Head to the right and get into the crawlspace by the rolling big wheel. Kill the birds and jump into the water. In the large cave find the Cog Wheel #3 on one of the rock platforms. Climb out of the water, kill the monsters, climb down to the right on the ladder and return to the machine. Place the 3 Wheels and climb down the ladder to the left, behind the open grate. Pulling the lever the sluice gates are open.

Jump into the water above and swim to the first location. Behind the small building, when you found the 1st Wheel, swim through the open hurdle. Notice that now you wouldn't got the 1st Secret, the small passage has disappeared. Climb out of the water above and collect the Shotgun Ammo by the skeleton. Kill the dinosaurs. Jump back on the other side and climb up to the left-hand rock's ledge. Shimmy to the right and jump back. Jump on the other side above and climb into the crawlspace. On the other end shoot some green reptiles. Climb down the ladder and get the Small Medipack. Climb back up and reach the sloping platform to the right. Stand in front of it on its left side, jump on it forward than back, than forward again but hit on the CTRL now. Get into the crawlspace above and find the Secret #2: the Large medipack. Get down and reach the final location. Collect the Scrap of Paper by the skeleton and heading to the exit the level finishes.

Walkthrough by OBig from ™TREditor.hu

Translated by Petunia from ™TombRaider.hu

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